
创建一个简单的Python “人狗大战” 游戏,我们可以模拟一个简单的追逐游戏,在这个游戏中,玩家可以控制一个人物来避开追逐的狗。下面是一个游戏的基本设想:

  1. 游戏场地是一个简单的网格。
  2. 玩家(人)可以在网格中上下左右移动。
  3. 狗会追逐玩家,每次玩家移动后,狗也会向玩家的位置移动。
  4. 如果狗追上玩家,游戏结束。
  5. 玩家需要到达网格的另一边才算胜利。


import random

# Define the game board size

# Positions of the player and the dog
player_pos = [BOARD_SIZE - 1, random.randint(0, BOARD_SIZE - 1)]
dog_pos = [0, random.randint(0, BOARD_SIZE - 1)]

def print_board(player_pos, dog_pos):
    Print the game board with the current positions of the player and the dog.
    for i in range(BOARD_SIZE):
        row = ""
        for j in range(BOARD_SIZE):
            if player_pos == [i, j]:
                row += "P "
            elif dog_pos == [i, j]:
                row += "D "
                row += "- "

def move_player(player_pos, move):
    Update the player's position based on the move.
    if move == 'w' and player_pos[0] > 0:
        player_pos[0] -= 1
    elif move == 's' and player_pos[0] < BOARD_SIZE - 1:
        player_pos[0] += 1
    elif move == 'a' and player_pos[1] > 0:
        player_pos[1] -= 1
    elif move == 'd' and player_pos[1] < BOARD_SIZE - 1:
        player_pos[1] += 1
    return player_pos

def move_dog(player_pos, dog_pos):
    Move the dog towards the player's position.
    if dog_pos[0] < player_pos[0]:
        dog_pos[0] += 1
    elif dog_pos[0] > player_pos[0]:
        dog_pos[0] -= 1

    if dog_pos[1] < player_pos[1]:
        dog_pos[1] += 1
    elif dog_pos[1] > player_pos[1]:
        dog_pos[1] -= 1

    return dog_pos

def check_game_over(player_pos, dog_pos):
    Check if the game is over either by catching the player or the player reaching the end line.
    if player_pos == dog_pos:
        return "caught"
    elif player_pos[0] == 0:
        return "escaped"
    return "continue"

# Main game loop
game_status = "continue"
while game_status == "continue":
    print_board(player_pos, dog_pos)
    move = input("Move (w/a/s/d): ").lower()
    if move in ['w', 'a', 's', 'd']:
        player_pos = move_player(player_pos, move)
        dog_pos = move_dog(player_pos, dog_pos)
        game_status = check_game_over(player_pos, dog_pos)
        print("Invalid move. Use 'w' for up, 'a' for left, 's' for down, 'd' for right.")

# Print the final board and game outcome
print_board(player_pos, dog_pos)
if game_status == "caught":
    print("The dog has caught the player!")
elif game_status == "escaped":
    print("The player has escaped!")


由于这个交互式环境不支持 input() 函数,我们无法直接运行需要玩家实时输入的游戏。但是,我可以调整这个游戏的逻辑,使其在这个环境中自动运行。在这种情况下,玩家的移动可以由随机决策来决定,或者我们可以预设一系列的移动来模拟玩家的行动。这样我们就可以演示游戏是如何进行的,尽管它不是交互式的。


def simulate_game(player_pos, dog_pos, board_size):
    Simulate the game with random moves for the player.
    def print_board(p_pos, d_pos):
        for i in range(board_size):
            row = ""
            for j in range(board_size):
                if p_pos == [i, j]:
                    row += "P "
                elif d_pos == [i, j]:
                    row += "D "
                    row += "- "

    def move_player_random(p_pos, board_size):
        move = random.choice(['w', 'a', 's', 'd'])  # Random move
        if move == 'w' and p_pos[0] > 0:
            p_pos[0] -= 1
        elif move == 's' and p_pos[0] < board_size - 1:
            p_pos[0] += 1
        elif move == 'a' and p_pos[1] > 0:
            p_pos[1] -= 1
        elif move == 'd' and p_pos[1] < board_size - 1:
            p_pos[1] += 1
        return p_pos

    def move_dog(p_pos, d_pos):
        if d_pos[0] < p_pos[0]:
            d_pos[0] += 1
        elif d_pos[0] > p_pos[0]:
            d_pos[0] -= 1
        if d_pos[1] < p_pos[1]:
            d_pos[1] += 1
        elif d_pos[1] > p_pos[1]:
            d_pos[1] -= 1
        return d_pos

    def check_game_over(p_pos, d_pos):
        if p_pos == d_pos:
            return "caught"
        elif p_pos[0] == 0:
            return "escaped"
        return "continue"

    game_status = "continue"
    while game_status == "continue":
        print_board(player_pos, dog_pos)
        player_pos = move_player_random(player_pos, board_size)
        dog_pos = move_dog(player_pos, dog_pos)
        game_status = check_game_over(player_pos, dog_pos)

    # Print the final board and game outcome
    print_board(player_pos, dog_pos)
    if game_status == "caught":
        print("The dog has caught the player!")
    elif game_status == "escaped":
        print("The player has escaped!")

# Simulate the game
simulate_game(player_pos, dog_pos, BOARD_SIZE)




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